Categories: Celebs

SZA Opens Up About Experiencing Adult ADHD Without Medications

SZA recently got candid about her struggles with ADHD. The R&B hitmaker dropped by Twitter and let off one tweet regarding the topic. She centered her thought on the difficulty of experiencing the chronic condition without medical treatment. Hours after tweeting, hundreds of people showed support via retweets, likes and comments.

“Having un medicated adult adhd is REALLY f**king hard and absolutely nobody has empathy for it cause we all grown and busy but GADDAMN,” SZA tweeted. “I be ready to tap OUT .”

What is ADHD?

ADHD, formally known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood, per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Apparently, the condition is typically diagnosed in childhood, but can last into adulthood, as described by SZA. Children who experience ADHD cannot just grow out of feeling the symptoms. Some of which includes daydreaming, forgetfulness, fidgeting, excessive talking, difficulty resisting temptation and even trouble getting along with other people.

SZA didn’t give additional details about how she manages the condition. All fans know, according to her tweet, is that she does not receive medication for her ADHD. Still, the scarce details about such a private matter didn’t stop fans from showing SZA love.

Fans Show Love

By late Friday night, Twitter users had retweeted the tweet more than 7,300 times. Additionally, users left more than 490 comments and liked the message upwards of 54,600 times. One user responded offering an entire online community to help SZA navigate this condition.

“You’re not alone and we have a whole Black ADHD community willing to help navigate you along the way,” user @J0n_j0n wrote. “Going to meds isn’t the solution or fix as it involves lifestyle changes and that’s ok. You just view the world differently by default and it’s what gives you so much creativity.”

While her fans are standing behind her on this, she recently stood behind their safety. Following the Astroworld panic that killed 10 people and injured hundreds, SZA took extra precaution at an early November show. She stopped a tour-scheduled performance mid-way to do a wellness check on the audience. At the time, SZA stepping into The Shade Room to explain her decision.

“This girls eyes were rolling back in her head by song THREE . She was literally limp. It was scary,” SZA wrote. “What ppl don’t realize is passing out used to normal at concerts before ppl started dying . None of us are willing to let ppl die to get a moment off. So now WE PAYING EXTRA ATTENTION. It’s called humanity. Acquire some. Ps I talked to her and she is fine now. y’all be blessed.”

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Cassandra S

I like to tell stories, pretend I'm funny and experience everything so I can tell more stories. I love the truth and I'm great at verifying it.