
T.I. Calls Out Trump For Using ‘Whatever You Like’ In Anti-Joe Biden Ad

TSR Updatez: T.I. is understandably upset that his “Whatever You Like” song was used for political gain by Donald Trump.

Donnie’s level of pettiness never ceases to amaze people but admittedly, people were surprised he was bold enough to use Tip’s hit record for an anti-Joe Biden ad on Snapchat of all places.

T.I.’s team issued a statement to Hot New Hip Hop saying Donnie’s edited video misrepresented Tip’s lyrics. In the Snapchat video, the lyrics said, “I don’t want Joe Biden, need Joe Biden, as long as you’ve got me you don’t need Joe Biden,” as the melody played.

“Trump and his team (out of desperation for his campaign) have circulated a campaign video post throughout social media that includes the unauthorized use of T.I.’s song ‘Whatever You Like,’ along with edited images of him and Joe Biden,” said a rep for T.I. “The video distorts lyrics from his #1 charting song by misrepresenting the lyrics through text language and distortion of his recorded voice.”

“It goes without saying that T.I. would not in any way ever support the divisive policies and destructive propaganda of Trump. The people of our country deserve far better than this.

Be clear, he does not authorize it or consent to the use of his song to falsely suggest any endorsement of President Trump or to attack Joe Biden. It is sad, but expected, that this President would stoop so low to use his property without authority to manipulate the community. T.I.’s legal team and media partners are already moving Expeditiously to block this unauthorized use and set the record straight in no uncertain terms!”

Some may say it was a questionable move on Trump’s part considering T.I.’s expressed distaste for Donnie. 

The statement further distances Tip from the president but it’s unclear if Donald Trump will respond. We’ll keep you posted on the matter.

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Christina Calloway