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The State Of Vermont Is Paying People $10K To Relocate To There

Roommates, the opportunity for a paid relocation doesn’t come around often, but when it does, you might want to consider it! The city of Vermont is reportedly paying new residents to relocate there in an attempt to draw the attention of a younger crowd.

According to FOX news, the city of Vermont is rolling out a New Vermont worker program in attempt to attract younger workers to the area! State officials plan to reimburse new residents up to $5,000 each year for two years for moving costs, and any costs needed to work remotely.

“It’s a great outcome,” Joan Goldstein, commissioner of the Vermont Department of Economic Development says. “People are moving from metropolitan areas all over the county, and moving into rural areas and small towns, just spreading out throughout the state.”

The Remote Worker Grant Program has reportedly received thousands of inquiries since the start of the year, and city officials hope this number will double by April 2020.

City officials are hoping to drown out the aging crowd that currently occupies the area, and bring in more workers and taxpayers. To qualify for the program, new Vermont residents must work remotely full time for an out-of-state employers.

According to a reporter, people have taken advantage of the program so far include software developers, digital designers and financial professionals.

Joan also says the state is working on another program to offer incentives to people who move to Vermont to take jobs at businesses there. The program will pay $5,000 for a year, or $7,500 if moving to a rural area.

“We’re working with businesses now to spread the word about this, so they an use it to attract new employees,” Joan says. “The remote worker grant really helped people so we’re happy to see incentives like this expand.”

Vermont isn’t the only place in the U,S. offering to pay people to move there, however. Cities like Tulsa, Chattanooga, and Hamilton have also offered cash for new residents.

Are y’all considering moving to Vermont, Roomies? Let us know in the comments!


