
Tourist Visiting An Old Military Prison On Governors Island Accidentally Gets Locked Inside

#Roommates, can you imagine getting locked inside a prison by accident? No service, nobody around to help and no way out… yea that sounds like worse case scenario to me. This was a reality for a woman named #ShakiraStover.

According to @NYPost, Shakira was wandering around the prison like everyone else but when she tried to leave, the doors were locked. She said: “I was looking around, reading about the history, and when I finished, I go to walk out the same way I came and the big double doors were closed.”

Shakira’s next move was to obviously use her cell phone but sis had no service! When she realized her Plan B fell through, she rushed to the front and stuck her arms out and screamed for help. “I see people, and I get excited and I started yelling, but no one could hear me because the wind was blowing in my direction.”

Thankfully two other tourists heard her yelling and got help. It seemed the prison was closed an hour and a half earlier than normal. Sis was trapped for a bout an hour but she was finally set free.

Shakira said once she was let go she just wanted to get off the island ASAP! And rightfully so. Glad she’s okay!

Source: https://nypost.com/2018/07/26/tourist-accidentally-gets-locked-in-old-governors-island-prison/

Tanya Payne