Categories: Celebs

TSR Exclusive: Floyd Mayweather Spent Over 30K At The Gentleman’s Club Last Night!

Yes, boo-boo. Just the other day Floyd Mayweather boasted about winning 1.4 million dollars on a couple of bets he made on the World Champion Seattle Seahawks and other teams. (below)

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Smart man.

Well, yesterday he celebrated by throwing over 30k in a gentlemen’s club in Los Angeles. Our source, who Floyd Mayweather made it rain on, says that he showed up at Sam Hof Brau in Los Angeles and kept the dollars coming all the way until 4am in the morning!

Floyd if you are reading this by any chance….can you please throw us 5k out of the kindness of your heart? If you are serious about this please contact us at and we can set that up before you finish reading this sentence.

Anyways, the dancers went home very happy!

See pics below: