Beauty & Style

#TSRHairDosAndDonts: Check Out These Dope Barbers That You Can’t Fade!

Hey, Roommates! So, I’m a woman who rocks a short hair cut. I made the big chop last summer and until then I had no idea of how difficult it is to find a good barber!

Over the years while accompanying either my dad, my brother or my guy friends to the barbershop, they have tried to explain that you shouldn’t let just anyone cut your hair, because not everyone can. It’s like every man or woman who gets their hair cut has a barber that’s been assigned to them by the hair gods.

People don’t realize that these barbers have power, man—the power of either making you look like a snack or a piece of sun-dried fruit. So, unfortunately, it can take you a few tries to find that perfect match which means your hairline could suffer in the process. Us short haired people have all gone through it ? ????????‍♀️ It’s so embarrassing.

Anyway, I wanted to shout out a few barbers who are killing the game right now!




TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG