
#TSRUpdatez: Two Fyre Festival Attendees Reportedly Won A $5M Lawsuit Against Founder

#Roommates, two men who thought they were going to experience a luxurious getaway at the Fyre Festival were just awarded $5 million in damages thanks to a North Carolina judge.

According to @ViceNews, #SethCrossno and #MarkThompson filed a 47-page lawsuit against #BillyMcFarland about their time spent at the Fyre Festival and how they were tricked out of $13K each for a VIP experience.

Both Seth and Mark will reportedly walk away with a cool $2.5M each in damages. As of now, there’s no word on how exactly they’d get their money but at least it’s the first step!

Hopefully everyone gets a refund!


Source: https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/vbq9pb/two-fyre-festival-attendees-just-won-dollar5-million-for-their-trauma?utm_source=vicenewstwitter

Tanya Payne