
Two-Headed Turtle Hatches In Massachusetts

#TSRShadySpecies: Ya’ll know as we keep ya’ll up to date with all of the latest news, we also have to keep ya’ll updated with all of the latest species of animals that are out there. The latest to make headlines is a two-headed turtle that recently hatched in Massachusetts.

According to CBS Boston, the Cape Wildlife Center recently shared a photo of a double-headed diamondback terrapin hatchling. The turtle, which has a condition called bicephaly, hatched at a nesting site in Barnstable. The condition has been described similar to human twins that are conjoined at birth. This particular turtle was born with two heads and six legs.

Cape Wildlife Center said, “Animals with this rare condition don’t always survive very long or live a good quality of life, but these two have given us reason to be optimistic. They have been in our care for just over two weeks and continue to be bright and active. They are eating, swimming, and gaining weight each day. It is impossible to get inside the heads of these two, but it appears that they work together to navigate their environment.”

The wildlife center also noted the turtle has two spines that fuse further down the body. As the days continue to go by, they are hoping to learn more about this rare species.



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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside