Categories: Celebs

Uh-Uh Toya Wright’s Husband Is Wildin’! She Gotta Check Him For This! (Tea Inside)


As you may know by now, Toya Wright has expressed that she’s been having marital issues with her husband Memphitz. She said that forever is really “for now” and that it was hard to carry on a public marriage.

Memphitz shared the same sentiments. However, his way was off the charts of course. He even posted that they were doing a reality show which was not true. He was acting up for a while on Instagram, this includes posing nude in nothing but cowboy boots and a sombrero.

Recently, he’s been quiet but it seems he’s back at it again.

Memphitz posted a picture in the bed with a group of women in lingerie. He had a camera in his hand and captioned the pic: “New Hobbies”.

He knows zamn well that’s disrespectful to our girl Toya Wright. Toya doesn’t deserve that kind of embarrassment. Even if his new hobby is photography, you don’t lay in bed with scantily clad women until you sign your name on those divorce papers.

What do y’all think? Is Memphitz out of line?