
Update: Harvard Business School Online Reportedly Says They Did Not Admit Nor Provide “An Acceptance Letter To A Person Named Angela White”

Earlier today we reported and congratulated #BlacChyna on her acceptance to Harvard Business School Online. Chyna shared that she’s currently at a stage in life of ‘realization and growth’, adding that she wants to be great for herself and her kids. 

Apparently Harvard Business School Online has no recollection of Chyna’s acceptance. “Harvard Business School Online has not admitted nor provided an acceptance letter to a person named Angela White,” they told TMZ.

There are reports that allege that Chyna’s acceptance letter is fake being that admissions has no record of her attendance nor acceptance. Some people on social media feel as though people are unfairly digging into Chyna’s education claims, but don’t have the same energy for other celebs who announce their journeys back to school. Chyna nor her team have addressed these new claims.

Read up on reports of Chyna’s alleged acceptance below:
