
Vitaminwater Wants To Give $100K To Someone Who Can Go A Year Without Their Phone

#Roommates, what would you do for $100K?! Cause it seems #Vitaminwater has a challenge for those of you who are looking to be $100K richer!

On their website, Vitmainwater announced they’re looking to pick one person for their contest and if they can go all of 2019 without their smartphone, they’ll get $100K! Now if you’re someone who’s up for the challenge, you have until January 8th to enter the social experiment.

Here’s how you enter, you basically just need to take a photo on either #Twitter or #Instagram and explain why you need a break from your phone & what you would do with all that free time, then use the hashtags #NoPhoneForAYear and #Contest and you’re automatically entered!

I’ll be honest, even writing this up is giving me a little anxiety, a whole year without a phone? The stress! #Roommates, spill the tea, do you really think you can go a whole year without your phone?


Source: https://www.vitaminwater.com/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3b3gBRDAARIsAL6D-N9QMr892cKJNFjoUncwbMcSLDl9Kw-oyWwY98QreL63uaMuSeadaDMaAt1xEALw_wcB

Tanya Payne