Categories: Celebs


Ya’ll know Riff Raff from the show “G’s to Gents” and the self proclaimed “neon icon”, well now he’s saying, pay me and I’ll take your daughter to the prom!

I guess you can say he has since made a name for himself after being on the show but I don’t think he has made one in daddy’s household yet because he is still looking like every father’s worse nightmare!

But if you are the type of parent who is cool with this kind of stuff, taking Riff Raff to prom will cost you a cool $28,000, that’s an expensive date if you ask me. Anyways, the cash money will get him to pull up in a Lamborghini and put you in the best 5 star hotel in that city. Oh yea he also will make you the “Star of your school”,  whatever that means.

And for the fast girls out there looking at this as a come up, you must be 18 to participate, Riff Raff can’t afford no jailbait cases, but then again is that implying that Riff Raff might want to have…NVM we will leave that speculation for yall.

Check out the Instagram post below to see full details:




I don’t know about ya’ll but I wouldn’t be too convinced to pay $28,000 for a man like this to show up at my daughter’s doorstep. I can find him off of Figueroa for a free joint and a bag of cheesy ruffles. Let’s talk below who would take this opportunity?


Jay Kelllz