
WATCH: Stole His Whole Face! North West Transforms Into Kanye West In Video With Kim Kardashian

One thing about North West, she has her daddy’s whole face! And we got to see just how much North and Kanye West look alike after the nine-year-old shared a new video alongside Kim Kardashian.

The mommy-daughter duo share one TikTok account, which boasts over 12.3 million followers and 319.3 million likes. The bio states that an adult manages it–an important lil’ note given how Ye has previously expressed his opposition to North’s TikTok use.

The majority of the account’s posts feature North and Kim. But West’s siblings and friends make appearances singing, dancing, and recreating trending content.

@kimandnorth♬ muerto gang – qubelly🗽

In their latest mother-daughter collab, North transformed into Ye–from the clothing to the goatee and grim demeanor. And if we had to judge, issa 10 out 10 for Northie’s impersonation skills! The short clip is synced to the song Bound Baby 2, a 2013 Kanye joint. Besides Ye, Kim is the only other person in the video, which has collected over 104 million YouTube views since it first dropped.

For North’s transformation, she rocked a black hoodie with a white logo on the front, her hair stuffed into a black beanie, a painted-on black goatee, and darkened eyebrows.

Now, North has always resembled her father, but paired with the crossed arms, straight look, and classic Kanye West grim? She was giving twin-energy on ten!

Meanwhile, Kim did her one-two pose in the background–likely playing herself in the remake. She mouthed the lyrics as North stared on before lifting and dropping her arm around her eldest daughter.

Here are the eight seconds of comical cuteness:

@kimandnorth♬ Bound – Asawa ni mae

Days before we crossed into 2023, Kim discussed her co-parenting relationship with Ye, among other topics, with Angie Martinez. She told Angie that, someday, her kids will “thank [her] for not sitting here and bashing their dad.” The former couple had a highly publicized divorce filled with accusations and online rants from Ye.

No word on what Ye thinks about his daughter’s video–the artist has been silent online and out of paparazzi flashes since mid-December.

Cassandra S

I like to tell stories, pretend I'm funny and experience everything so I can tell more stories. I love the truth and I'm great at verifying it.