
Wendy Williams Hits The Town With Her New “Lil’ Friend”

The newly divorced talk show host, Wendy Williams,  is out here in these street with her lil’ friend, this Friday evening. She decided to put us in her business. Posting a photo on IG, she wrote:

“He sent his car for me..dinner in pursuit. Happy Friday!”

Later, the industry vet was spotted at the studio with a male friend. Of course, Al Gore’s innanet was curious as to who, what, when, where, and why?  In true Wendy fashion, she answered directly.  

With a photo posted, the caption read:

“Later on…studio with @blacpapipmh…it’s another Friday!”

The person she tagged appears to be a rap artist and not her actual date. The guy she’s pictured with is obviously her manzzz. The two are mighty close, and she’s even pictured wearing his chain, on a separate occasion.

It’s no secret that Wendy always tells her about her weekend shenanigans. From her kittens to hanging with DJ Boof, we’ve heard a lot about her private life, since divorcing Kevin Hunter.

The two were together for about 20 years and were officially divorced this year. The split comes after Kevin fathered an outside child with another woman.

Chile, I can’t wait to hear what she has to say about her weekend, on Monday’s episode. You know she’s gon’ tell us.

As we receive more info on who her lil friend is, we’ll definitely update y’awl, Roommates. Gon’ Mrs. Wendy Williams! She got her a lil’ friend or whatever.
