
Woman Who Was Caught On Viral Video Pretending To Board Up A Building Has Reportedly Been Fired From Her Job (Video)

Roommates, we all know how important these protest are. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions of people) have come together in the name of justice. As we all know George Floyd has sparked protests across the country and unfortunately some people are using the protests as a photo op but one woman is getting canceled after a viral video shows she was out here faking the funk!

A woman by the name of Fiona Moriarty-McLaughlin was caught on video while she asked a man who seemed to be boarding up a building if she could hold his power drill and take a photo. In the video you see another man snap her picture and she casually gets into a Mercedes Benz and drives off.

What Fiona didn’t know at the time, was someone caught her getting her photo op and the video has since gone viral. The real gag is Fiona is (or was) a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner! She also has credits in her bio for The Hollywood Reporter and Billboard (we don’t know the extent of their relationship or if they had one). Regardless, it’s a mess.

Since the failed viral photo op, looks like The Washington Examiner has reportedly OPTED (get it?) to cut ties with Fiona and gave sis her walking papers. I wonder if she posted that? But I digress. She’s also since deleted all of her social media.

People all over the world are FED up, and using their voice and their platform to make real change. We hope this serves as a lesson to anyone thinking this piece of history we are living through and creating is a photo op for likes and comments. Cancel culture is at an all time high and people have very little tolerance for fake activism during this sensitive time.

So word to the wise y’all, do it with a pure heart or don’t do it at all.

Tanya Payne