
Yasss! As Mardi Gras Concludes, New Orleans Celebrates Fat Tuesday!

Black folk love Carnival Season, especially Mardi Gras! From the food, music and everythanggg in between, it is honestly a lituation!

According to, 1.4 million people generally invade New Orleans and take part in the festivities. With this being the longest running carnival celebration in the United States, it’s not hard to see why.

Originally, started in Mobile, AL, Mardi Gras takes place along the Gulf of Mexico coastal lines, and people from MS, AL, and LA treat it as a holiday. Chile, ain’t nobody doing anythang but catching beads, moon pies, and tryna eat a king cake. Kids are out of school, people are off work and it has been this way ever since I was a child.

One thang that will happen is participating in the Zulu happenings! If you don’t attend anythang else, you gon’ hit up that Zulu Ball and/or parade. 

One of the most famous festivities is the Zulu Ball, hosted by the Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club. Taking place the Saturday before Fat Tuesday, which is technically the last day of Mardi Gras and takes us into Ash Wednesday, Lent Season.

The Zulu organization is the largest predominantly African American carnival group. Known for its controversial hand-painted Black face, which is said to honor South African ancestors, the  organization also hosts a large parade on Fat Tuesday.

There are about 50 tribes that participate, according to TV One. These groups were created in a time where Black people couldn’t celebrate because of racial barriers. So, per usual, we created our own, and now it is the largest carnival celebration in the country.

Roomies, what do you prefer? A good ol’ moon pie or king cake?

