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#TSRPolitics: Fashion Is #WithHer! Vogue Endorses Hillary Clinton!

Fashionistas everywhere are gagging at the major political stand that one of fashion’s go to magazines took today. Vogue has announced that it’s #withher aka Hillary Clinton!

The fashion bible has never thrown it’s pearls in the ring for any presidential candidate it’s history but when you’re facing the possibility of Donald Trump becoming president, we think some traditions can be understandably broken.

“Vogue has no history of political endorsements,” reads the editorial. “Editors in chief have made their opinions known from time to time, but the magazine has never spoken in an election with a single voice. Given the profound stakes of this one, and the history that stands to be made, we feel that should change.”

Vogue also addressed how Clinton’s experience and tanacity helped them get past the presidential candidate’s flaws:

“We understand that Clinton has not always been a perfect candidate, yet her fierce intelligence and considerable experience are reflected in policies and positions that are clear, sound, and hopeful.”

The editorial continues, “It has taken nearly a century to bring us to the brink of a woman leading our country for the first time,” they write. “Let’s put this election behind us and become the America we want to be: optimistic, forward-looking, and modern.”

Moral of the story: you have to be the change you want to see! Vote or Trump! You can read the rest of the editorial’s statement here.

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