Categories: Celebs

Keeping Up With The Joneses: Sean Kingston Ordered Pay $44k Rolex Bill From Last Year

Looks like Sean Kingston is having a bad week with the law just like his buddy Soulja Boy.

According to TMZ, judge has ordered the 26-year-old rapper to cough up the cash for the Rolex tab he ran up back in February.

Haimov Jewelers sued Sean after he traded an old Rolie for another one and a bracelet. The bill came out to $44k… $25k for the new watch and $19k for the bracelet. Well he was accused of running off on the plug because he promised to pay for it all the next day but never showed up.

Too bad for him, not only does he have to pay the $44k back but he also has to pay an additional $1,700 in interest and $5.75 will be added on everyday he doesn’t pay up.


Welp hopefully he learned a valuable lesson from this. Lets chat below!


TSR STAFF: Debra Oh! @The_Ebony_Issue on IG
