Categories: Celebs

50 Cent Faces Another Hefty Lawsuit!!

Looks like 50 Cent has found himself with yet another lawsuit. We all know how hard 50 goes for his latest hit series Power on Starz, but word on the street is Power was stolen from someone else!

TMZ reported that author, Larry Johnson claims he showed the manuscript to Nikki Turner of G-Unit Books back in 2005. The manuscript was for his book called “Tribulation of a Ghetto Kid”, which eventually was published elsewhere.

When Power began on Starz back in 2014 he was convinced that Turner shared the manuscript with 50 Cent. Some of the similarities between the two include the main character Ghost, who is a drug dealer trying to get out of the game and make his money legally. In the show Ghost owns a nightclub in NYC, while in the book Ghost owns a nightclub in Atlanta.

Johnson is looking to get $200 Million out of 50 Cent, we’ll see where this goes. Lord 50 Cent can neve catch a break! Let’s just hope he doesn’t end up worth less than his name by the end of all it!

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TSR Intern: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94 on Instagram & Twitter