Categories: Celebs

Ciara Is Brought To Tears When She Talks About Future In New Interview




Thanks to our friends over at Fameolous we caught this Interview Ciara did about Future that brought her to tears!

Read more from Necole Bitchie:

Cici has that deep, it’ll-bring-her-to-tears-just-talking-about-it type of love.

Tears were flowing for the singer earlier this year as she sat down with Brides Magazine for a behind-the-scenes interview. During the chat, Cici recalled meeting Future for the first time, and not even checking for him like that, but at some point things changed and she started to see him for the amazing person that he is.

With love, I was kinda like, ‘You know what? I’m gonna really close that door off and if something hits me than it just has to hit me.’

The conversation was amazing and we [were] just talking and he was so sweet and he was so gentle. Ahh! I don’t know why I’m getting emotional. He was just really, really a sweetheart. So either way…I don’t know why I’m getting emotional right now.

I wasn’t looking at him for that part of life. Like I wasn’t looking at him to look for love. Just like meeting an amazing person, we’re gonna work together, have a good time. But I had a double take at one point in time and I was like, “This guy is really handsome. He’s really cute. He’s really tall!” You don’t know what to expect when you meet somebody, but I’m looking at him and I’m thinking like, “Wow!”

Watch below…

Ciara’s Interview

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