
Andrew Yang Announces Plan To Pay Americans $1K A Month If Elected President

These presidential candidates did not come to play! They are truly pulling out all the steps to see themselves in the most powerful position in the world. Thursday night’s debate uncovered many promises, including Andrew Yangs plan to shell out $1k a month if he is elected.

According to Politico, Yang says he and his campaign will randomly select 10 families and give them a total of $120,000 over the next year as part of a pilot program for his universal basic income plan. The money will be distributed to 10 families in increments of $1,000 month. Families are encouraged to enter the raffle on his campaign website.

The plan, called “Freedom Dividend” is intended to provide every citizen over the age of 18 with $1,000 a month. A campaign official says the funds would be paid out for the full year even if Yang does not become the nominee.

As of now, Yang contributes his own funds to provide two families in Iowa and New Hampshire with $12,000 a year as part of his plan. He also gives funds to a family in Florida, that was selected in a Twitter giveaway. His recent announcement will dramatically expand these plans.

Candidates have been outlining all sorts of outlandish plans to win this race, and Yang’s is just the latest. Many presidential candidates promise financial benefits if voters elect them, but nothing like what Andrew Yang has proposed.

He believes the raffle will bring attention to his platform, and give his campaign the ability to collect more information about potential supporters.

“Most politicians, they use campaign donations for TV or for high-class consultants,” says a campaign spokesperson. “We are taking a different approach. We want to help people and we want to help families.”

Yang says his universal basic income plan is necessary to help people stay afloat during a time where emerging technologies are taking over the work force.
