
Farrah Abraham Reportedly Confused 9/11 With ‘7-Eleven’ During Trip To Ground Zero

Roommates, Farrah Abraham decided to remember the lives lost on September 11th by visiting Ground Zero, but it looks like she was a little bit confused.

According to FOX news, the former #TeenMom star seemingly confused 9/11 with the convenience store chain 7-Eleven. In a video from her trip, Farrah talks about the tragedy, and mistakenly throws 7-Eleven in the mix.

“OK, so we wanted to do, since it’s going to be September 11th, in honor of the Freedom Towers and the observatory deck and everything of 7-Eleven, we are going to do this,” Farrah says.

Along with the video, Farrah talks about being in the fifth grade when the Twin Towers collapsed in 2001, and visiting Ground Zero with her daughter Sophia is an “enjoyable experience”.

She continues describing One World Trade as “gorgeous, beautiful and in memory of a lot of loved ones and a lot of others lost,” and added she believes it is important for her 9-year-old daughter to learn about Sept. 11th, as she wasn’t alive when it happened.

It’s clear that Farrah Abraham didn’t catch her mistake in the video, but social media users were quick get her together!

One commenter says she feels Farrah’s video “is so disrespectful toward the people who lost and probably still are in pain of what happened that day… Many have fought to help a lot of people and many have lost their lives that day.”

“She said they enjoy the experience how can you enjoy going to the 9/11 memorial you’re meant to take a minute and think about those poor people not enjoy it,” another person commented. “Why would you enjoy. this experience! What’s joyful about it! Stupid springs to mind.”

Farrah has since deleted the video from Instagram, but fans are still flooding her comments questioning her intentions.
