
Former ESPN Reporter Britt McHenry Claims She Was Demoted At The Sports Network Because She Was White

Yes, you read that headline correct #Roommates. A former #ESPN reporter got a few things off her chest on Twitter when responding to other twitter users about the reason she was demoted, and ultimately laid off at the sports network.
In her tweet (that has now been deleted), Britt claims the reason for her demotion was because she was white and “made too much.” Unfortunately Britt was caught in the round of layoffs back in 2017 that affected nearly 100 employees at ESPN.
Since her tweet, Britt has back tracked, in a phone interview with @Deadspin, saying: “I think there were a number of factors into laying me off.” She added: “I wish nothing but the best for the people there.”
Well alrighty then! I that’s how she feels, I guess that’s just what it’s going to be roommates!
Source: Twitter
Tanya Payne