
LeBron James Changes His Tune About Not Playing Games Without Fans—“You Got To Listen To The People”

#Roommates, you may remember a few days ago when LeBron James said that he would not be playing games if there were no fans in attendance, which was a proposed idea to keep the spread of coronavirus down. Well, apparently Bron has had a change of heart, as his current outlook on the situation has changed drastically.

@ESPN reports, LeBron James now says that although he would be disappointed if the NBA plays games without fans, he will listen to whatever the NBA decides is the safest thing to do for both the players and the fans amid the rising coronavirus cases in the U.S.

LeBron explained his new outlook on the situation like this:

“Well it’s funny, because when I was asked the question of would you play without no fans, I had no idea that there was actually a conversation going behind closed doors about the particular virus. Obviously, I would be very disappointed not having the fans, because that is what I play for — I play for my family, I play for my fans.”

He elaborated, adding:

“They say no one could actually come to the game if they decide to go to that point, so I would be disappointed in that. But at the same time, you got to listen to the people that’s keeping a track on what’s going on. If they feel like it’s best for the safety of the players, the safety of the franchise, the safety of the league to mandate that, then we all listen to it.”

This week also marked the first time that major league sports teams were abiding by the new pre- and postgame health safety measures instituted by the NBA, MLB, NHL and MLS to have all team locker rooms and clubhouses closed off to the media and nonessential team employees.


Roommates, what are your thoughts on this?

Danielle Jennings