TSR Entertainment

TSR Great Debatez: Did Drake Create ‘Rap-Singing’? The New York Times Says ‘Yes’ But Social Media Says ‘No’

For what it’s worth, Drake is arguably one of the GOATS of hip hop but social media was not too pleased when The New York Times asserted that Drake was the creator of “rap-singing.”

The article was appropriately titled, “Rappers are singers now. Thank Drake,” and specifically cites Drizzy’s “So Far Gone” mixtape, which was released back in February of 2009, as the start of it all. 

“He fundamentally rewrote the rules of entry for what it meant to be a rapper in the 2010s,” author Jon Caramanica wrote for The Times. “And it seems everyone followed.”

Now, I have a hard time believing that those criticizing Drake weren’t in their feelings singing, “I forgot to call you on your birthdayyyy,” back when that mixtape dropped, but even if they were, it doesn’t seem that social media agrees that Drake is the pioneer of the rap-singing genre. Roomies, what’s your view on this one? Let us know and head to our IG page to debate in the comments!


Christina Calloway