Categories: Celebs

TSR Tech News: T-Mobile Gets Hacked

If you have T-Mobile as your cell phone carrier, you may want to know of the recent hack that has occurred.

There was a massive data breach at Experian, one of the major credit rating bureaus that’s used for credit checks. 

According to T-Mobile, as many as 15 million customers information was exposed in the hack, including names, addresses, social security numbers, DOB, and various identification numbers.

Experian stated that it affects customers who applied for T-Mobile USA services between Sept. 1, 2013, and Sept. 16, 2015.

T-Mobile’s CEO, John Legere, made a public statement about the incident saying “Obviously I am incredibly angry about this data breach and we will institute a thorough review of our relationship with Experian, but right now my top concern and first focus is assisting any and all consumers affected. I take our customer and prospective customer privacy VERY seriously.”

Experian believes there is no evidence that the data has been used, but they are offering a two-year free membership of credit monitoring for those affected. 

Source Cited: ABC News

TSR Staff: Chinny @Miss_ChinChin on IG! 

Chinwe U.

Chinny’s background in the world of marketing & brand management in some of the world’s leading global companies, is just what The Shade Room needs. Her practical knowledge of lifestyle and entertainment and dabble in the fashion industry doesn’t hurt either. When you mix her well rounded knowledge of what is going on in today’s social sphere you’ve got the perfect tools for a little Shade.