Categories: Celebs

#TSRKnowYaHistory: It’s Been 52 Years Since The BlackPanther Party Was Founded!

On this day in 1966, the Black Panther Party was founded by Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton in Oakland, California. The Panthers stood for racial dignity, self-reliance, class unity, development of strong Black-controlled institutions, Blacks working together to protect their rights and to improve their economic and social conditions.


(Photo by © Ted Streshinsky/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)


Not only did the Party patrol their streets, monitoring police activity and keeping the community protected from police brutality, but they also began social activities like free breakfast for children, community health clinics and the program we know today as WIC. The Black Panther Party established more 50 chapters and branches before it was dissolved in 1982.


Did y’all know that the director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover claimed that the Black Panther Party was “the greatest threat to the internal security of this country?” Because of that, the FBI dedicated time and effort to criminalize, discredit, and undermine the Party’s leadership.


Many Panthers such as Stokely Carmichael (Africa 1969-‘98), Pete O’Neal (Tanzania), and William Lee Brent (1968-‘06) live/have lived in exile until their deaths.

SOME Black Panther Party names you make know:

Bobby Seale

Huey Newton

Assata Shakur

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Angela Davis

Eldridge & Kathleen Cleaver

Stokely Carmichael

Elaine Brown

Fred Hampton

Elbert Howard


We thank each and every brave soul who took part in bettering the black community during both the rise and fall of the illustrious Black Panther Party. We thank the people who are still fighting for the black community, both with and without titles and or recognition.


You are appreciated.


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TSR STAFF: Chantel Kelli! @_popchanny on Instagram!