
Orlando Brown’s Friends Reportedly Staged An Intervention & Got Him To Go To Rehab

There is a generation of us who know and remember #OrlandoBrown as Eddie from #ThatsSoRaven and other #Disney ventures, and there’s a whole other generation that knows nothing about that and only know and troll him from his internet shenanigans.

With that being said, #Orlando has been in and out of jail in the last couple of years, he’s been wildin’ on the ‘gram, and even got himself into a few internet “beefs”.

Orlando’s friends reportedly staged an intervention to help him get the help he needs. What’s crazy is the friend (Danny Boy) who put this all together is the friend whose restaurant Orlando broke into last month.


The plan was to get Orlando some help back in August, but he threw a wrench in that plan when he got arrested in early September after breaking into Danny’s joint. Orlando got out but went MIA for a few weeks.


Fast forward to last Sunday … when Orlando made his way to a San Fernando Valley hotel where cops were called after he went off the rails. He was so bad off, his friends had to wait a few days for the intervention.
