
#TSRPositiveImages: Kofi Siriboe Releases Short Documentary About Black Mental Health

TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh
#TSRPositiveImages: Mental health is mental wealth.
Kofi Siriboe directed a new short documentary called “WTF Is Mental Health?” in hopes to spark a conversation about the importance of mental health in the black community.
According to Ebony, the short doc by the “Queen Sugar” and “Girls Trip” star was filmed in the Bronx and highlights seven people who discuss the challenges they face in their mental health journeys. The documentary was released to HuffPost.
Kofi opened up about his own mental health struggles he felt during the rise of his acting career, which is what served as the inspiration to create the mini-documentary.
The short is a companion piece to “Jump,” another short film Kofi made after a mentor of his died by suicide just before Kofi got the call that he had been cast in “Queen Sugar.”
Christina Calloway