Categories: Celebs

#TSRTech: Apple Reveals New Emojis In Honor Of World Emoji Day


Monday officially marks World Emoji Day, and in honor of the celebration, Apple has revealed the newest emojis coming to the iPhone keyboard pretty soon.

According to Mashable, some of the new emojis that will be released include a woman with a headscarf, as well as a woman that is breastfeeding. Both emoji’s show that the emoticon’s continue to relate to today’s society, as the emoji has become the latest form of communication.

Other emojis include a zebra, a dinosaur, an elf, a zombie, a mind blown emoji and a vomiting emoji.

The official release date for the new emojis have not been announced, but they are expected to release later this year.

Aside from showing off the new emojis, Apple also revealed the current most popular ones, which include, the thumbs up, LOL, Laugh, Smile, Wink-Kiss, and Heart.


Roommates, what are your thoughts on the new emojis?



Jade Whiteside