
Usher Reminds Everyone That ‘Climax’ Is Very Much His Song

In case you missed it, The Weeknd caused an uproar on social media Wednesday after an excerpt from his “Variety” interview in which he discussed his thoughts on Usher’s 2012 hit “Climax” went viral.

In the interview, The Weeknd recounts the time he first heard Usher’s song. He went on to say: “House of Balloons literally changed the sound of pop music before my eyes. I heard ‘Climax,’ that (2012) Usher song, and was like, ‘Holy f**k, that’s a Weeknd song.’ It was very flattering, and I knew I was doing something right, but I also got angry. But the older I got, I realized it’s a good thing.” 

Well Usher might have shut all that down without even a formal response.

It seemed The Weeknd’s interview sparked a new challenge on social media in support of Usher in which singers showed their chops by singing “Climax.”

Usher decided to hop on the gram late Wednesday night and share a few challenges before he busted out his own acapella version of the song and well, let me just say, that was a straight up reminder that Climax is very much an Usher song.

Listen to Usher blow below:

Now Roommates, I know

Christina Calloway