Categories: Celebs

#WhereTheyAtNow: Remember Brooke Valentine? She’s Going To Be On Love & HipHop Hollywood

Do you guys remember that song #GirlFight by #BrookeValentine? You can’t say that it wasn’t the hottest anthem of summer 2005! Every girl would grab her best friend and both girls would aggressively sing the words to each other. After the song became a hit, yelling “Girlfight!” quickly became as integral to hip hop culture as yelling “Worldstar!”

These days, Brooke has continued to make music and just got cast on a hit show on VH1. If you checked out our previous article about the season 4 cast of #LHHH, then you’d know that we left out one of the new cast members. Surprise! It’s Brooke!

We will be following her musical journey as she prepares for the release of her new album as well as her relationship with rapper/songwriter Marcus Black.

Roommates, what was your favorite Brooke Valentine song?

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!